Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't say I Love♥ You !!!

Don't say I Love♥ You !!!

After a long search on this subject , i found this interesting website

Q: Is it permissible for a woman to say to a (Muslim) man “Indeed, I love you for the Sake of Allaah”?

A: No, she mustn’t open this door!

Her love is in her heart, (and) she loves every believing man and woman, and every Muslim man and woman.

However, she mustn’t open this door for someone specific, because he would be tempted and would continue to speak to her and exchange statements of love (for the Sake of Allaah) and that which is similar to it, and thereby they would fall into that which is prohibited, (so) NO!!!.

Shaykh Zayd Muhammad al-Madkhalee

    * Translator: Mohammed Akhtar Chaudhry, Abu Abdullaah | Source:

I know that we have more SMART members in this page Adam and Eve. I f you could provide us authenticated references and far more better than this, please do share. coz i read more sisters or brothers saying this phrase" I love you for the sake of Allah" to the opposite sex in facebook.Unless she/he  is your nearest relative, A Husband, mother,father,brother ,sister,uncle (brothers of your father or mother) ,aunts (sisters of your father or mother),Grandma and Grandpa ( is there any close relative which i forgot to include^_^?).

I found this Ayah in Qur'an Al-Karim:

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

O Consorts of the Prophet!

Ye are not like any of the (other) women:

If ye do fear (Allah)'

Be not too complaisant of speech,

lest one In whose heart is a disease

should be moved with desire; but speak

ye a speech (that is ) just.


Sadaqa Allahul-Azeem.

While they were to be kind and gentle to all, they were to be guarded on account of their special position lest people might misunderstand or take advantage of their kindness. They were to make no vulgar worldly displays as in the times of paganism.

 May Allah Azza wa Jaal reward us and guide us all to the right path and  make us all a good and true Muslim and die as One.Ameen!!!

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