Monday, April 11, 2011

Cell Phones -Islamic Point of Views!!!

Entering the toilet with a mobile phone on whose screen is the name of Allaah

Praise be to Allaah.
The majority of scholars are of the view that it is makrooh to enter the toilet with anything in which Allaah is mentioned, except in cases of necessity, such as coins on which the name of Allaah is inscribed. 
A number of scholars stated that if that is hidden, then there is nothing wrong with it in that case.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: what is the ruling on entering the washroom with papers on which there is the name of Allaah? 

He replied: It is permissible to enter the washroom with papers on which is the name of Allaah, so long as they are in a pocket and are not out in the open, rather they are hidden and covered.
End quote from Fataawa al-Tahaarah, p. 109 

Based on this, there is nothing wrong with entering the toilet with a mobile phone on whose screen is the phrase “Allaahu akbar”, so long as you put it in your pocket, so that it is not out in the open. 
And Allaah knows best.

Is purity essential for reading Qur’aan from one’s mobile phone?

Praise be to Allaah.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) said: This (mobile) is a kind of luxury that has appeared among the people. Mus-hafs – praise be to Allaah – are readily available in the mosques and in fine printed editions, and there is no need to read it from mobile phones. But if that happens then we do not think that it comes under the same ruling as the Mus-haf.   The Mus-haf cannot be touched by anyone but one who is pure, as it says in the hadeeth, “No one should touch the Qur’aan but one who is pure.”  As for a mobile phone, it cannot be called a Mus-haf.

Reading Qur’aan on a mobile phone makes it easy for women who are menstruating and one who cannot easily carry a Mus-haf with him, or one who is in a place where it is difficult for him to do wudoo’, because it is not essential for the one who touches it to be in a state of purity, as mentioned above.

These mobile phones in which Qur’aan is put in written or recorded form do not come under the same ruling as the Mus-haf, so it is permissible to touch them without having purified oneself and it is permissible to take them into the washroom with one, because writing Qur’aan on the mobile phone is not like writing it in a Mus-haf. It takes the form of waves that appear and disappear, and its letters are not fixed, and the mobile phone may contain Qur’aan and other things.

Mobile phones making haraam sounds

Praise be to Allaah.  

Setting mobile phones to ring with a musical tone is reprehensible and haraam, and it is even worse and more haraam if that happens in the houses of Allaah, namely the mosques, because that is openly committing falsehood and haraam in that place, so the sin of the one who brings it with him is even worse in the mosque. It is known that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated that musical instruments are haraam, meaning the instruments that give these musical sounds. These mobile phones have these sounds recorded in them which is repeated every time a call comes to the owner of the phone.  I wonder what will be recorded in the record of deeds of those who make their mobile phones play music in the houses of Allaah during the prayer, and disturb themselves and others, and make the voice of falsehood and the musical instruments of the Shaytaan echo loudly in the houses of Allaah. 

Haraam (forbidden), because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated that musical instruments are haraam when he said: “There will be among my ummah people who will regard as permissible adultery, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5590.

Do they not fear their Lord and repent to Him and give up what they are doing and change this evil, especially when there is a permissible alternative in the other regular, non-musical sounds that they can choose for the phone’s ring? 

It is possible to set the ringing tone as a verse of Qur’aan, but it is better not to do that, because there is the fear that this may be a kind of disrespect towards the Holy Qur’aan. Allaah revealed the Qur’aan to be a Book of guidance showing the right way, to be recited and pondered and acted upon, not to be a means of alerting people. It is sufficient for the questioner to set his phone to an ordinary ringing tone. And Allaah knows best.

After i read this article, i changed my ringtone which was Surah Al-Qiyaamah by Sheikh Mishary Al-Afassy to birds tweet.check this link!^_^

We should note that the ringing of the telephone, even if it is a permissible sound, should still be turned off before entering the mosque, so that it will not disturb the worshippers. 

And Allaah is the One Whose help we seek and to whom we complain. There is no power and no strength except with Allaah.
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Writing Qur’aan on mobile phones in something other than the ‘Uthmaani script

It is not permissible to write the Mus-haf in anything other than the ‘Uthmaani script that was agreed upon at the time of the Sahaabah.

Imam Ahmad (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It is haraam to differ from the script of the Mus-haf of ‘Uthmaan in ya’, waw, alif or any other letter.

Al-Bayhaqi said in Shu’ab al-Eeeman: Whoever writes a Mus-haf should adhere to the letters as they are written in these Mus-hafs and not write them differently or change anything that they wrote, for they had more knowledge and were more sincere in heart and in speech, and were more trustworthy than us, so we should not think that we know better than them.

There is nothing wrong with what you have mentioned about showing some verses on the screens of mobile phones in something other than the ‘Uthmaani script, if it is not possible to show them in the ‘Uthmaani script, but one should take care to make sure than the verses that are written in this manner are those that are usually easy to read, and not subject to mistakes. And one should take care to make sure that they are written correctly so that there will be no errors in reading and publishing them.

But when it comes to writing a verse or a few verses, and quoting them in books or magazines, and the like, there is nothing wrong with it, and this is what people do in their books, although it is better to use the script of the Mus-haf whenever possible, and to quote it directly from the Mus-haf.

He sent a message via mobile phone divorcing his wife as a joke

With regard to writing the words of divorce, whether the husband writes them on a piece of paper or in a message sent by mobile phone or by e-mail, this does not count as a divorce unless that was his intention.

A man’s divorce of his wife does not happen by intention alone. If he expresses his intention verbally – or by means of understandable gestures in the case of one who is mute – or by writing, whether on paper or via mobile phone messages or e-mails, all of these mean that the divorce takes effect, provided that that the writing can be proven to be from him, because it is easy to forge messages in these cases.
This divorce does not count for the woman mentioned if he did not intend to divorce her thereby, rather it was just writing or he intended something other than divorce, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Actions are but by intentions…” 

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
This is the view of a large number of scholars, and some narrated that it is the view of the majority, because writing is a like a metaphor and divorce does not take place by means of metaphors unless it is accompanied by the intention to divorce, according to the more sound of the two scholarly opinions, and unless the writing is accompanied by something which indicates that the intention is divorce, in which case divorce does take place.

Based on this, if a  husband intended divorce by this writing, then it counts as a divorce. But if he was joking, and did not intend divorce, then it does not count as a divorce. 

Our advice to husbands is to fear Allaah and not to take the rulings of Allaah as a joke or a game. They should realize that divorce destroys families and causes the children to be lost, and it exposes the wife to humiliation and temptation. So they should fear Allaah and preserve their families, and strive to be patient and forbearing before they resort to divorce. 
And Allaah knows best.


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