Thursday, February 17, 2011

♥♥♥ My Best Du'a for All ♥♥♥

Du’a is important because it is a sign of one’s Eman. We are a servant of Allah  Subhana Wa Taala and so Du’a humbles us by asking Him for anything we want and showing our true dependence on Him The Almighty for everything. Du’a is so important that is even said to be the brain of ibada! One of the beautiful and best parts of making Du’a is that you can never make enough or ask for “too much”.

If you were to continually ask a good friend for favors over and over again, while not giving much in return, surely, that friend would eventually become fed up with you. On the contrary, Almighty Allah wants us to continually ask Him The Almighty  for our needs both in this life and the Hereafter. Unlike this friend who would be annoyed at your constant asking, Almighty Allah would become furious if you did not ask Him for your needs! Du’a also is a sign on one’s Eman, brings us closer to Almighty Allah , is a sign of humility, repels Allah (Subhana wa taala)’s anger, a cure for all diseases, a sign of wisdom, a beloved act by Allah (Subhana wa taala) and has a guaranteed reward. But can you imagine a being becoming angered at you for not asking Him for anything?! Now you can, because Allah Subhana Wa Taala wants you to ask, and ask for more.

And how many times has this happened to you: you want something really, really bad, and pray for it like crazy. 

You pray for it as much as you can, and then what happens? 

Your Du’a doesn’t get accepted. 


It may be due to 3 big things:

1.) Our sins our blocking your Du’as (after all, in a hadith related by Ahmad ibn Hanbal, a man asked the Prophet Alayhi salatu wa salam “I’d like my prayers to be responded.” And he Alayhi salatu wa salam responded “If you avoid forbidden actions, your prayers will be responded.”_

2.) We ask for something Haram

3.) We don’t follow the etiquette and Sunnahs of asking Almighty Allah.

Just as there are the etiquettes at the dinner table, there are etiquettes for making Du’a. Let’s look at some of these Sunnahs and etiquette to making Du’a properly (and also how not to make them), when are the best times to make them, how does Almighty Allah responds to our Du’as, and an action item to implement this plan.

Some of the best timings to make Du’a in which it is most likely to be answered are at the end of an obligatory Salah, after breaking one’s fast, in the last one third of the night, between adhan and iqamah, during an hour on Friday, between Asr and Maghrib on Friday, when it is raining, in sujood, during laylat al Qadr, when supplicating for one’s child, when traveling, when the Du’a is for another brother or sister who is not present, Du’a for the sick and more. 

Are you still whining about when your Du’a will be answered?

Insha’Allah let us all be thankful for everything and continually make Du’a, if not increase our Du’a and live righteously in order for our Du’a to be answered.

Allah Subhana Wa Taala is, after all, Al-Wahhab (The Bestower) and Ar-Razzaq (The Provider). But sometimes we forget to ask Him The Almighty, or don’t ask enough!

Know that you never lose by making Du’a. Because Allah Subhana Wa Taala  answers each Du’a that we make. 

Allah always has three replies to our Du’a. 

It's either
1) ‘Yes’
2) ‘Yes, but not now’
3) ‘I have a better plan for you’ (Either in this life or the Hereafter)

There’s never a ‘NO’, so we should just have faith and keep praying. Always remember that the person who makes Du’a is never in a state of loss.

After Salah, stay where you are (hey, the angels pray for you as long as you are sitting in the place where you prayed until you either move or break your wudu!) 

and Ask for EVERYTHING! What do you have to lose!? 

If He Subhana Wa Taala  grants it to you, then great, if not, then that’s still great because He Subhana Wa Taala will replace that wish with something better (either in this life or in the next).


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